Checkups and Cleanings
According to the American Dental Association, checkups every six months are an important component for good dental health. Preventive care and early detection will ensure that your smile stays healthy and strong. We encourage our patients to follow these guidelines and schedule their appointments regularly.
A Watchful Eye
Usually, people keep their cars or air conditioners in good working order with routine maintenance. Investing the time and energy to protect your oral health is just as important. With dental checkups, our team can look for signs and symptoms of any issues, like tooth decay or gum disease, as well help you take precautions to avoid these problems.
Professional Cleanings
Your checkup is usually performed in conjunction with a professional cleaning. During the cleaning, your hygienist will remove tartar buildup and smooth the exterior tooth surface, which deters plaque development in these areas. Typically, we offer ultrasonic scaling, which creates gentle vibrations and removes large pieces of tartar. Concurrently, the tool squirts cool water to wash away lingering debris. As the final step, the hygienist will polish your teeth for added sparkle.
Achieve a Fabulous Smile
Experience quality dentistry and exceptional care. Call our Westfield dentist office to make an appointment with Dr. Salvato. Located in Westfield, our dental practice is convenient for residents of Mountainside, Scotch Plains, Cranford, and the surrounding areas.